UL Prospector

Frosty Bouncy Hair Wax (Formulation #S-X0097[EU])

Made for men or women? No need to decide! It’s designed to meet the needs of all genders and takes on the role of many textures, offering a rich, creamy feel to make styling hair simple. Visual appearance of a wax, with the bounce of a gel. While the combination of Schercemol™ and Hydramol™ esters contributes to the rich and creamy aspect of this gel-wax, Carbopol® CLEAR polymer gives the texture a frosty appearance and influences the styling properties. Fixate™ Superhold polymer reinforces the hold and the long-lasting properties. Merquat™ 2003PR polymer helps in hair manageability with a smooth feel.


Lubrizol develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of specialty ingredients for skin care, hair care, bath &shower, surface, dish and fabric care. Their innovative technologies modify physical properties, enhance functional performance and ease of use and deliver aesthetic benefits to support key consumer product claims. They are dedicated to providing their customers with powerful, proven solutions so you can formulate with confidence™.

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